Membership FAQ

Frequently Asked Questions

How is Fuelfed different from other clubs? Fuelfed is a mixed marque club. Most members belong to single marque clubs, too, but our members enjoy the diversity of Fuelfed participants and share that common mindset of driving. We’re focused on driving and camaraderie. Our events are geared toward driving, touring and the passion of the motoring lifestyle. We don’t have club meetings; we have driving events. We strive to do things differently than typical single marque car clubs. Because of all these things, we attract a different sort of person. It’s our members that make us different.

Who is eligible to be a member? Fuelfed’s main focus is for those who drive classic European cars. We have three types of membership: Heritage, Classic European and Modern European.  Please see the Membership page for details. Our Coffee & Classics® events will continue to focus on classic European cars due to size constraints, but the club provides a number of other opportunities for driving and showing European cars.

Is there be a fee for attending Coffee & Classics? There is no fee to attend as a spectator.  However, the majority of parking within the event area is restricted to Fuelfed members displaying their C&C parking passes. Guest Day Pass drivers of classic European cars (1995 and older) may also park within the event area with a donation of $10. Guest Day Passes are provided while space is available at the entrance; the $10 is applied to membership if they join the club within 7 days of the event. Day Passes are not intended for repeat drivers. As space allows, Modern European members showing their membership card at the entrance gate are admitted.

What if I didn’t receive my parking pass for Coffee & Classics yet? We do our best to be fair and accommodating, and we ask for your patience in advance. Typically if you’ve paid for membership too soon before a Coffee & Classics event to receive your packet, we’ll have your name on a list at the gate. Feel free to email us to double-check if you are concerned.

If I’m one of the Fuelfed Founders Group 100 (FFG100), do I need to pay for membership? Yes, all members need to renew yearly.

Can I still come to Coffee & Classics and be on the email list for events if I don’t become a paid member? Spectators are always welcome at Coffee & Classics. Parking admittance to Coffee & Classics for your vintage European car and invitations to our events are part of your annual membership and are based on membership type. While we will have some day pass spaces for non-member drivers, these are not intended for repeat drivers.

Why isn’t Fuelfed a 501(c)3 nonprofit? The legal and accounting costs to set up and maintain a 501(c)3 nonprofit made it cost-prohibitive. We plan to add a nonprofit component at a later date. We have a focused vision and voice for Fuelfed which we want to maintain.

Why charge for membership? Why can’t I attend Coffee & Classics without a membership? Fuelfed is a  special group of like-minded enthusiasts. We come from a variety of backgrounds and incomes, but we have something in common—a passion for the types of cars that we drive. Like most clubs, there are costs to exist, and our members pay a nominal amount to ensure that the club exists, so that our activities and events exist.

Coffee & Classics is a Fuelfed member event that is open to the community to attend as spectators; it is not an event that the villages/cities organize.

Fuelfed has no paid staff, but there are expenses for planning, organizing, running and executing club activities. Coffee & Classics, although our most popular event, is only one of our events. The events, especially Coffee & Classics, require insurance coverage, permits, application fees, marketing, signage, etc., most of which is paid before car season starts.

The more funds we have, the more we can do. Simple as that. If you support what the club is doing and want to help ensure that it continues, then please consider joining or making a contribution.

Why don’t you include American or Japanese cars? We appreciate, enjoy and own American and Japanese cars, but our passion is driving European cars. There are several other clubs and events for American and Japanese enthusiasts. Our members have a clear preference for maintaining our current focus. We aren’t trying to be the biggest club. The American cars that you will see at our events are owned by members who are grandfathered in.

What is FFG100 and how can I join? FFG100 is short for Fuelfed Founders Group 100. This is a special group of 100 donors who contributed funds to Fuelfed in late 2013 in response to a one-time fundraising campaign. The group was closed after 100 donated; there can only be 100. Funds raised went toward pre-season club operating expenses for 2014 and a majority of funds are reserved for website development. The club owes this group of people its heartfelt thanks. The FFG100 received black FFG100 stickers, lapel pins and grill badges based on donation levels; these can only be purchased by FFG100.

How can I get a black lapel pin or black grill badge? Black lapel pins and grill badges were part of the Fuelfed Founders Group 100 fundraising campaign in 2013, and were limited edition items for those contributors. Sorry, no exceptions. Fuelfed will be selling similar items to all members in the future.

Please email us with questions.


5 Responses to “Membership FAQ”

  1. Winger Says:

    I will give you my 2019 membership due at the swap. See you there.

  2. Marshall Loeb Says:

    Hi Brian and Lorraine, I want to join the Corsa on Saturday, 9/25/21. Please send the info. to me when it is available. I will pay you when I see on that Saturday or I can send a check to you. Thanks, Marshall Loeb 630-461-2935: cell #

  3. Carson Greene Says:

    I’m trying to confirm my membership. I applied some time ago and never got a reply.

  4. Gus Rodriguez Says:

    I have 2 classic European cars one is all original the other has modified suspension, Are there any criteria that would disqualify a European vehicle from participating in your club? i.e. custom paint, lowered, custom mods?

  5. The Driver Says:

    Hi Gus,
    Modified classic European cars are welcome.

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